chapter 4: Ho‘ona‘auao (Education)
chapter 4: Ho'ona'auao (Education) Education Profile School Enrollment Education Outcomes Language

Education Profile

Table 4.01 Figure 4.01 Race-Ethnicity of Students in Public Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2002-2003 to 2011-2012
Table 4.02 Figure 4.02 Public School Expenditure per Pupil in Hawai‘i: SY 1990-1991 to 2008-2009
Table 4.03 Figure 4.03 Public School Four Year Graduation and Dropout Rates in Hawai‘i: SY1998-99 to 2008-2009
Table 4.04 Figure 4.04 Public School Special Needs Students in Hawai‘i: SY 1999-2000 to 2011-2012
Table 4.05 Public School Special Education (SPED) Students by School District and Complex in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007 to 2011-2012
Table 4.06 Public School English Language Learner (ELL) Program Students by School District and Complex in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007 to 2011-2012
Table 4.07 Public School Free and Reduced-Price Lunch (FRL) Program Students by School District and Complex in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007 to 2011-2012
Table 4.08 Public School Kindergartners who Attended Preschool by School District and Complex in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007 to 2011-2012
Table 4.09 Race-Ethnicity of Classroom Teachers in Public School in Hawai‘i: SY 2002-2003 to 2011-2012
Table 4.10 Public School Chapter 19 Charges by Type of Incident in Hawai‘i: SY 1997-1998 to 2011-2012
Table 4.11 Public Charter School Enrollment in Hawai‘i: SY 1994-1995 to 2011-2012
Table 4.12 Public Charter Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2013-2014
Table 4.13 Private School Enrollment by District in Hawai‘i: SY 2012-2013
Table 4.14 Figure 4.14a
Figure 4.14b
Private School Enrollment by Type of School (Catholic/Non-Catholic) and District in Hawai‘i: SY 2012-2013
Table 4.15 Figure 4.15ab Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Status for Public Departmental and Charter Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2002-2003 to 2011-2012
Table 4.16 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Status for Public Departmental and Charter Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2003-2004 to 2012-2013
Table 4.17a Public Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.17b Public Charter Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.18a Public Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by Math and Reading Proficiency and AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.18b Public Charter Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by Math and Reading Proficiency and AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012

School Enrollment

Table 4.19 Figure 4.19ab Public/PrivateSchool Enrollment in Hawai‘i: SY 1986-1987 to 2011-2012
Table 4.20 Figure 4.20a-d Public School Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian Students by Grade and District in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.21 Figure 4.21 Public School Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian Students by School Complex in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.22 Figure 4.22ab Public School Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian Students by School District in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.23 Figure 4.23ab Public School Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian Students by Grade Level in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.24 Figure 4.24ab Public School Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian Students in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Table 4.25 Figure 4.25 School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in the United States: 2000
Table 4.26a Figure 4.26a-e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in the United States: 2006-2010
Table 4.26b Figure 4.26a-e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Nursery School/Preschool by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26c Figure 4.26a-e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Kindergarten by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26d Figure 4.26a-e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Elementary School (grades 1-8) by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26e Figure 4.26a-e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in High school (grades 9-12) by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26f School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in College or Graduate School by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26g Educational Attainment of Less than 9th Grade for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26h Educational Attainment of 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26i Educational Attainment of High School Graduate (includes equivalency) for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26j Educational Attainment of Some College, No Degree for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26k Educational Attainment of Associate’s Degree for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26l Educational Attainment of Bachelor’s Degree for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26m Educational Attainment of Graduate or Professional Degree for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.26n Educational Attainment of High School Graduate or Higher or Bachelor's Degree or Higher for Native Hawaiians by State: 2006-2010
Table 4.27 Figure 4.27ad School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians by County in Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.28 Figure 4.28 Native Hawaiian Educational Attainment in the United States and Hawai‘i: 2011 Table 4.28 update
Figure 4.28 update
Table 4.29 Native Hawaiian Educational Attainment in Hawai‘i: 2008-2011 Table 4.29 update
Table 4.30 Figure 4.30 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment in the United States and Hawai‘i:: 2011 Table 4.30 update
Figure 4.30 update
Table 4.31 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment in the State of Hawai‘i: 2008-2011 Table 4.31 update
Table 4.32 Figure 4.32 Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 1990-Fall 2012
Table 4.33a Distribution of Majors at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for Hawaiian/All Race-Ethnicity by College/School: Fall 2008-Fall 2012
Table 4.33b Distribution of Majors at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for Hawaiian/All Race-Ethnicity by College/School and Undergraduate/Graduate Level: Fall 2008-Fall 2012
Table 4.33c Undergraduate/GraduateEnrollment of Native Hawaiian Students at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: Fall 2008-Fall 2012
Table 4.34a School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Nursery School/Preschool by State: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.34b School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Kindergarten by State: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.34c School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in Elementary School (Grades 1-8) by State: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.34d School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in High School (Grades 9-12) by State: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.34e School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in College or Graduate School by State: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35a Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, Less than 9th Grade: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35b Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, 9th to 12th grade, no diploma: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35c Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, High School Graduate (includes equivalency): Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35d Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, Some College, No Degree: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35e Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, College-Associate's Degree: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35f Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, College-Bachelor's Degree: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35g Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, College-Graduate or Professional Degree: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.35h Educational Attainment of Native Hawaiians in the United States, High School and College: Aggregated Years 2006-2010
Table 4.36 Figure 4.36 Undergraduate/Graduate Educational Level of Native Hawaiian Students Attending the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa: Fall 2000-Fall 2012
Table 4.37 Figure 4.37 Enrollment of Students of Hawaiian Ancestry in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2005-Fall 2012
Table 4.38 Figure 4.38 Ethnicity and Ancestry of Native Hawaiian Students in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2005-Fall 2012
Table 4.39 Figure 4.39 Enrollment of Native Hawaiian Students in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2000-Fall 2012
Table 4.40 Figure 4.40 Race-Ethnicity Distribution of Students in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2012
Table 4.41 Figure 4.41 Race-Ethnicity Distribution of Students in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2000-2012
Table 4.42 Figure 4.42 Enrollment of Students of Hawaiian Ancestry Attending the University of Hawai‘i, Community Colleges: Fall 2005-Fall 2012
Table 4.43 Ethnicity and Ancestry of Native Hawaiian Students Attending the University of Hawai‘i, Community Colleges: Fall 2005-Fall 2012
Table 4.44 Figure 4.44 Enrollment of Native Hawaiian Students Attending the University of Hawai‘i, Community Colleges: Fall 2000-Fall 2012
Table 4.45 Figure 4.45 Race-Ethnicity Distribution of Students Attending the University of Hawai‘i, Community Colleges: Fall 2012
Table 4.46 Figure 4.46 Native Hawaiian College or Graduate School Enrollment by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.47 Educational Attainment by Gender and Age for the Population 18 years and over in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.48 Educational Attainment by Gender and Age for the Population 18 years and over by County in Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.49 Educational Attainment by Gender and Age for the Population 25 years and over in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.50 Educational Attainment by Gender and Age for the Population 25 years and over by County in Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.51 Figure 4.51 Native Hawaiian College or Graduate School Enrollment by Age in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.52 Figure 4.52 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.53 Figure 4.53 School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.54 Figure 4.54 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.55 Figure 4.55 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type in Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.56 Figure 4.56 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type by County in Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.57 Figure 4.57 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Table 4.58a Distribution of First-Time Students by Geographic Location of Public/Private High School in the University of Hawai‘i by Campus: Fall 2012
Table 4.58b Distribution of First-Time Students by Geographic Location of Public Charter High School Graduates in the University of Hawai‘i System by Campus: Fall 2012
Table 4.58c Distribution of First-Time Students by Geographic Location of Public Charter High School Graduates and Entry in the University of Hawai‘i System: Fall 2006-2012

Education Outcomes

Table 4.59 Standardized Test Scores for Native Hawaiian and Other Students Attending Public School Grades 3-10 in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007
Table 4.60 Figure 4.60a-d Native Hawaiian Educational Attainment in Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.61 Native Hawaiian Educational Attainment in the United States: 2006-2010
Table 4.62 Figure 4.62 Race-Ethnicity Distribution of Degrees and Certificates Earned in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2007-2008
Table 4.63 Figure 4.63ab Degrees and Certificates Earned for Native Hawaiian/Non Hawaiian in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2004-2005 to FY 2007-2008
Table 4.64 Figure 4.64ab Race-Ethnicity Distribution of Degrees Earned by Gender in the University of Hawai‘i System All Campuses: FY 2011-2012
Table 4.65a Degrees Earned by Native Hawaiians by Campus in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2011-2012
Table 4.65b Degrees Earned by Native Hawaiians by Gender in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2011-2012
Table 4.66 Degrees Earned by Native Hawaiians by Campus/College in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2008-2009 to 2011-2012
Table 4.67 Degrees Conferred by Native Hawaiians by College in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2008-2009 to 2011-2012
Table 4.68 Degrees and Certificates Conferred by Native Hawaiians in the University of Hawai‘i System: FY 2008-2009 to FY 2011-2012


Table 4.69a Hawaiian Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2006-2008
Table 4.69b Hawaiian Language Spoken at Home for the Population 5 Years and Over in Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.69c Hawaiian Language Spoken at Home for the Population 5 Years and Over in the United States, Continental United States, and Hawai‘i: 2006-2010
Table 4.70 Hawaiian Language Spoken at Home for the Population 5 Years and Over by State in the United States: 2006-2010
Table 4.71 Figure 4.71 Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English for Persons 5 Years and Over in Hawai‘i: 2000, 2005, 2006-2010
Table 4.72 Hawaiian Language Enrollment in US Colleges and Universities: 1958-2009

NEW TABLES: Ho‘ona‘auao (Education)      UPDATED TABLES: Ho‘ona‘auao (Education)