Chapter 8: Legacy Data
OHA Strategic Plan Population Ho‘okahua Waiwai (Economic Self-Sufficiency) ‘Āina (Land & Water) Ho‘ona‘auao (Education) Ea (Governance) Mo‘omeheu (Culture) Mauli Ola (Health)

Legacy Data is data which may be too outdated to be used in conjunction with current data. Some may consider the data old and not applicable or useful. However, the data may have historical importance, interest, or is the only source of an unique set of data. The data is being preserved here until newer data becomes available or there is no longer any interest.

Legacy: Population

Blood Quantum

Quantum-01 Distribution of the Native Hawaiian Population in Hawai‘i by Blood Quantum: 1984
Quantum-02 Native Hawaiian Population by Area and Blood Quantum in the State of Hawai‘i: 1984
Quantum-03 Distribution of the Native Hawaiian Population by Area and Blood Quantum: 1984
Quantum-04 Distribution of the Native Hawaiian Population by Area and Blood Quantum: 1984
Quantum-05 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of O‘ahu: 1984
Quantum-06 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Kaua‘i: 1984
Quantum-07 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Maui: 1984
Quantum-08 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i: 1984
Quantum-09 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Hawai‘i: 1984
Quantum-10 Awareness of Blood Quantum Requirement For Some Hawaiian Organizations: 1999

Issues Facing Native Hawaiians

Issues-01 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today: 1999
Issues-02 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by County: 1999
Issues-03 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Age: 1999
Issues-04 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Gender: 1999
Issues-05 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Household Income: 1999
Issues-06 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Education Level: 1999
Issues-07 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Presence of Elders and Children in Household: 1999
Issues-08 Most Important Issues Facing Native Hawaiians Today by Position on Sovereignty: 1999
Issues-09 Most Important Issue Currently Facing the Hawaiian Community: 2003
Issues-10 Hawaiians are Entitled to Special Support: 2003
Issues-11 Continuation of Federally-Funded Programs for Hawaiians: 2003
Issues-12 Programs Benefiting Hawaiians to Benefit all Hawaiians or only those who are 50% or more Hawaiian: 2003
Issues-13 Ranking of Important Native Hawaiian Issues: 2009

Legacy: Ho‘okahua Waiwai
(Economic Self Sufficiency)

Family Income

Income-01 Annual Native Hawaiian Family Income in Hawai‘i: 1989 and 1999


Housing-01 Projected Households for Native Hawaiians in Hawai‘i: 1990-2000
Housing-02 Occupied Housing Units by Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i: 1990, 2000
Housing-03 Occupied and Renter-Occupied Housing Units by Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i: 2000
Housing-04 Occupied Housing Units by Owner/Renter and Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i: 2000

Legacy: ‘Āina
(Land & Water)

Land and Water

Land-01 Land Ownership and Tenure (acres) by Island in Hawai‘i: Fall 1988
Land-02 State Public and Set-Aside Land Inventory by County: January 10, 1999
Land-03 Military Lands in Hawai‘i: 1995

Ceded Land

Ceded-01 Familiar with the Phrase “Ceded Lands”: 1999
Ceded-02 Awareness of Ceded Lands Issues: 1999
Ceded-03 who Should Manage Ceded Lands: 1999
Ceded-04 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Ethnicity: 1999
Ceded-05 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by County: 1999
Ceded-06 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Age: 1999
Ceded-07 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Gender: 1999
Ceded-08 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Household Income: 1999
Ceded-09 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Education Level: 1999
Ceded-10 Familiarity with Ceded Lands by Presence of Children and Elders: 1999
Ceded-11 Understanding of the Ceded Lands Issue: 2003
Ceded-12 Return of Ceded Lands to Hawaiians: 2003
Ceded-13 Hawaiians Benefiting from Ceded Lands Revenue: 2003
Ceded-14 Hawaiian Control of Ceded Lands: 2003
Ceded-15 Use of Ceded Lands for the Benefit of All Residents of the State of Hawai‘i: 2003
Ceded-16 Ceded Lands as Stolen Lands: 2003

Access Rights

Access-01 Opinion on Native Hawaiian Access Rights: 1999

Hawaiian Home Lands

HHL-01 Hawaiian Homestead Lands. Geographical Distribution: June 30, 1988-June 30, 2008
HHL-02 Hawaiian Homestead Lands. Land Use by Disposition: 1988-2008
HHL-03 Hawaiian Homestead Lands. Land Usage: June 30, 1990-June 30, 2008
HHL-04 Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL) Acreage Usage by Island: 2000-2013
HHL-05 Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL) Homestead Lease Usage by Island: 2000-2013

Legacy: Ho‘ona‘auao

Education-01 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Status for Public Departmental and Charter Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2002-2003 to 2011-2012
Education-02 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Status for Public Departmental and Charter Schools in Hawai‘i: SY 2003-2004 to 2012-2013
Education-03 Public Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Education-04 Public Charter Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2013
Education-05 Public Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by Math and Reading Proficiency and AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Education-06 Public Charter Schools with 50% or more Native Hawaiian Students by Math and Reading Proficiency and AYP and NCLB Status in Hawai‘i: SY 2011-2012
Education-07 School Enrollment of Native Hawaiians in the United States: 2000
Education-08 Native Hawaiian College or Graduate School Enrollment by Age in the US, Continental US, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-09 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-10 School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-11 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment (Enrolled/Not Enrolled) by Age in the US, Continental US, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-12 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type in Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-13 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type by County in Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-14 Native Hawaiian School Enrollment by School Level and School Type in the US, Continental US, and Hawai‘i: 2000
Education-15 Standardized Test Scores for Native Hawaiian and Other Students Attending Public School Grades 3-10 in Hawai‘i: SY 2006-2007
Education-16 Race- Ethnicity Distribution of Degrees and Certificates Earned in the University of Hawai‘i Systema: July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
Education-17 Native Hawaiian College or Graduate School Enrollment by Age in Hawai‘i: 2000

Legacy: Ea


Sovereignty-01 Awareness of Sovereignty Movement: 1999
Sovereignty-02 Position on Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-03 Reasons for Supporting Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-04 Reasons for Opposing Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-05 Position on Selected Sovereignty Elements: 1999
Sovereignty-06 Opinion on Native Hawaiian Constitution Convention: 1999
Sovereignty-07 Position on Sovereignty by Ethnicity: 1999
Sovereignty-08 Position on Sovereignty by County: 1999
Sovereignty-09 Position on Sovereignty by Age: 1999
Sovereignty-10 Position on Sovereignty by Gender: 1999
Sovereignty-11 Position on Sovereignty by Household Income: 1999
Sovereignty-12 Position on Sovereignty by Education Level: 1999
Sovereignty-13 Position on Sovereignty by Presence of Children and Elders in Household: 1999
Sovereignty-14 Position on Supporting Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-15 Position on Sovereignty by Knowledge of Hawaiian Issues: 1999
Sovereignty-16 Position on Supporting Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-17 Hawaiian Respondents Supporting Selected Sovereignty Items By Position on Sovereignty: 1999
Sovereignty-18 Estimated Voting Percentage for Hawaiian Respondents on Selected Sovereignty Items: 1999
Sovereignty-19 Hawaiian Recognition as a Distinct Group by the United States: 2003
Sovereignty-20 The Right of Hawaiians to Make Decisions: 2003
Sovereignty-21 Plans for a Listing of all Hawaiians who will form a Future Hawaiian Nation: 2003
Sovereignty-22 Willingness to Sign a List Identifying Hawaiians: 2003
Sovereignty-23 Reasons for not Signing a List Identifying Hawaiians: 2003
Sovereignty-24 Willingness to Provide Proof as a Hawaiian: 2003
Sovereignty-25 To Establish a Native Hawaiian Nation: 2003
Sovereignty-26 Create a Hawaiian Nation/Government to Represent the Hawaiian People in State/Federal Negations: 2003

Political Activities

Activities-01 Political Activities: 1999
Activities-02 Voted in the Last Election: 2003

Legacy: Mo‘omeheu

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.

Legacy: Mauli Ola

Health-01 Cesarean Deliveries by Mother's Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i, Aggregate 2004-2008
Health-02 Reported Cases of Chlamydia by Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i: 2000-2007
Health-03 Reported Cases of Gonorrhea by Race-Ethnicity in Hawai‘i: 2000-2007