Chapter 8: Legacy Data
OHA Strategic Plan Population Ho‘okahua Waiwai (Economic Self-Sufficiency) ‘Āina (Land & Water) Ho‘ona‘auao (Education) Ea (Governance) Mo‘omeheu (Culture) Mauli Ola (Health)

Legacy Data is data which may be too outdated to be used in conjunction with current data. Some may consider the data old and not applicable or useful. However, the data may have historical importance, interest, or is the only source of an unique set of data. The data is being preserved here until newer data becomes available or there is no longer any interest.

Legacy: Population

Table 8.01 Distribution of the Native Hawaiian Population in Hawai‘i by Blood Quantum: 1984
Table 8.02 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum in Hawai‘i: 1984
Table 8.03 Native Hawaiian Population by Area and Blood Quantum in the State of Hawai‘i: 1984
Table 8.04 Distribution of the Native Hawaiian Population by Area and Blood Quantum: 1984
Table 8.05 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, State of Hawai‘i: 1984
Table 8.06 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of O‘ahu: 1984
Table 8.07 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Kaua‘i: 1984
Table 8.08 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Maui: 1984
Table 8.09 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i: 1984
Table 8.10 Native Hawaiian Population by Age and Blood Quantum, Island of Hawai‘i: 1984

Legacy: Ho‘okahua Waiwai
(Economic Self Sufficiency)

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.

Legacy: ‘Āina
(Land & Water)

Table 8.11 Hawaiian Homestead Lands. Initial Application Year and Application Type
Table 8.12 Hawaiian Homestead Lands. Initial Application Year and Geographical Distribution
Chart 8.A Land Tenure Development in Hawai‘i: Precontact to 1824
Chart 8.B Land Tenure Development in Hawai‘i: 1825 to 1894
Chart 8.C Land Tenure Development in Hawai‘i: 1894 to 1958
Chart 8.D Land Tenure Development in Hawai‘i: 1959 to 1990

Legacy: Ho‘ona‘auao

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.

Legacy: Ea

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.

Legacy: Mo‘omeheu

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.

Legacy: Mauli Ola

There is no legacy data tables available at this time. Tables will be added as they are developed.